Monday, January 9, 2012

Moving into the real world!!

I have just accepted my first job position that does not have a known end! I'm stepping into the real world and moving forward with the next step in my life!  I have accepted a position at Family Life Services in Colorado Springs, Colorado!  This is an extreme change of plans from 2 weeks ago!  I was planning on staying in Marion for a while longer, but I was allowed out of my contract at IWU and encouraged to take this position in the Springs!
For me, this sounds like the perfect position for where I'm at in my life and what I want to do! At times it is a little scary because this is my first job that does not have a known end point. It does feel very different moving into this position that will not end in 3 months.  I'm excited to move to Colorado, where I have always felt like I would live for a period of my life.
I will be moving January 29th! My position is only a part-time job that is called Child and Youth Intern. My role is to set-up and organize after-school programs, weekend activities, and mentor the young people in the organization. The organization as a whole takes in single mothers and their families and provides housing and counseling for the people in this organization!
I'm so excited for this opportunity and being able to move back to Colorado indefinitely! I love the outdoors and Colorado Springs provides so many opportunities to get out and explore nature!

Here is the homepage for Family Life Services!

I have also found a second part-time job in Colorado Springs.  I will be working with an organization called Hope and Home!  This is a foster care agency that places children in foster homes and helps equip foster parents with the necessary tools to be foster parents.  I will be doing child-care and supervising visits between biological parents and their children!  I'm super excited for this as well!

Here is the homepage for Hope and Home!


  1. So excited for you, Scott! Can't wait to hang out when you get here!

    1. How awesome! This job suits you so much! You're gonna excel and do so well. yayyyy

  2. ahh just reading this again gives me chills! It sounds so awesome and SO perfect for you! I'm excited for you! ..and quite a bit jealous, haha ;]

  3. Scott! Congratulations man,

    I'm really excited that you got a job in the Springs. It'll be neat too take part in this journey that God has for you!

