We strive so hard to be the best. We train and work hard to get ahead of others, so we can be the best. But the truth is, there will always be someone better. There will always be someone a little faster, a little wealthier, a little higher up the totem pole.
God does not tell us to be the best there is, He ask us to Love Him and serve Him. We should strive to be the best we can be, but not strive so hard to become better than everyone else. We should build each other up, and help others become better than we ourselves are. As a true leader, that should be our goal, to help others become greater than ourselves. "We should look not only to our own interest, but to the interest of others." "For we should have the same attitude as Christ, who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing."
Let's not think more highly of ourselves than we ought, but take up the cross of Christ, Love Him, and serve Him.
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