Monday, February 7, 2011

Fear of the Lord

Where has our fear of God gone? We hear a lot about grace and love and forgiveness of sins, but we rarely talk about God being just, about fearing God. Sure it is great to hear about the love God has for us, but what about the wrath of God and that being satisfied? What about El Qanna? How come we never discuss this? Sure God does show us grace and mercy, but God is a jealous God and He will have His Glory fulfilled.
Lately I have been reading through Numbers and Deuteronomy, and like many I wonder why God has the Israelites following all these laws and commands. God is calling the Israelites to be set apart from those around them. God in return shows Israel His favor. Why does He constantly do mighty and great works through the Israelites? To show His power and might, so that all may glorify Him. Did you read that, that they may Glorify HIm! God will make His power known. What else is discussed in these passages? Well God tells Moses that they should fear HIm and that through seeing His power and might firsthand, that they may fear the Lord.
So how are we seeing God's power and might in our lives? So many times we take for granite the things God does for us. But God is displaying His power all around us. Look at the order that is all around us. You think that just came to be? No, that is God's power and might, still at work in our world.
What is our live? We are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. This life is short. At any time we can pass on from this life. Does this not give you a sense of urgency to make sure we are right with God, to reach out to those around us that are being held captive by Satan, or to finally fear the Lord.
We call ourselves a Christian nation, displaying on our coins "In God We Trust", but we fail to truly fear God. Sure we do have some respect for God, trying to make sure God is on our side. Is this enought though? No, we must really fear the Lord, saying that we are nothing without Him. This requires totally dying to self, and allowing the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives, to guide us, give us discernemnt, and to grant us wisdom.
So my challenge to you all: take up this sense of urgency, come to know and serve El Qanna, and to truly fear the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. excellent! EL QANNNNAAA.=] you are starting to be like him too.

    Really though how true this is! I think that our fear allows us to see the seriousness of why we are here and it does make us more kingdom focused. Thanks for writing this! What a great encouragement.
