Friday, April 20, 2012


Last week we talked about trust with the kids.  I did not post one for this but we discussed what trust looks like, how we lose it, and how we can gain it. We read the story of Abraham and how God called him to pick up his things and move.  What trust that took!  Then we gave each kid a whiteboard and had them draw a picture of a time when their trust was most broken.  Then we had them change the picture to an event that brought trust.
This week we targeted forgiveness.  What does forgiveness look like?  Is it forgive and forget?  When we forgive do we have to fully trust that person?  Can we still be sad and forgive someone?  Why do we have to forgive?  What does forgiveness do for us and for the other person?
We had such a deep discussion.  One answer to the question 'what does forgiveness do?' was, it shows Christ to others and displays His mercy for us.  When we forgive we are demonstrating Christ.  Wow!!  What is forgiveness? Mercy!  Just such deep thoughts on these questions!  After we discussed for a while, we showed this video!

We allowed the kids to discuss what they thought and interesting things they noticed about the movie.  They talked on undeserved forgiveness, on how is it possible (with God's help), and then someone pointed out how the killer did not forgive God which led to the whole event.

I thought this was the deepest that the group as a whole has gone!  We have some incredible kids at Family Life, that challenge my thinking every week!  Awesome!

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