Sunday, January 15, 2012

Living a Life like the Son

The next aspect of God that is revealed to us is God the Son.  Often times we solely study the life of the Son.  It is easy to read the New Testament and throw out the Old Testament!  We are forgiven of those laws in the Old Testament, so why read it?  We are freed from the laws, but the most important part of the Old Testament is knowing the character of God, and if we do not know the Character of God then we can not fully understand Jesus and who He is!  Jesus did not come to earth just to save of us of our sins.  Although this is vital in our eternal destiny, He came for something more!  Excepting the Salvation is only one part of our experience, we must then live a life that brings honor to God.  Jesus was a perfect demonstration of how we should live while on this earth.  By observing His life, He demonstrated how the characteristics of God look as a human.  He demonstrated how a Righteous Anger, Jealousy, Wrath, Justice, and Love look on earth.  By earthly definitions, most of these things are not good, but Jesus demonstrated how these truly are Holy characteristics if used in the way God uses them.  Jesus demonstrated how we too can use these things to bring about the glory of God.

It's awesome too, because when we look at the these characteristics of God we think that they can't operate together, at least not at the same time, but they do!  When Jesus entered the Temple and found money exchangers in His temple making a profit off of worship He threw their tables and destroyed what they had set-up!  I love this because it beautifully demonstrates all of these aspects.  Jesus was ANGRY!!  How dare we turn a house of worship into a place to make money!  This thus demonstrated the JEALOUSY of God, showing that He would not stand for anything else to be worshipped!  Which demonstrates the WRATH and JUSTICE of God, because He will not stand for men to worship other God's or to scam others out of money for personal gain!  And all of this comes back to the LOVE God has for us!  He is Angry and Jealous because He knows those things lead to eternal death and He so desires us to spend eternity with Him in Joy and Happiness, that He will not stand for us to fall for these traps.  He is a God of Wrath and Justice because He hates to see us get caught up in the lies of the world because He alone is Holy and He alone can give us eternal Life.  By looking at examples like this, we see how these characteristics are to look in our lives!  May we come to know how to leave with those around us by observing and modeling the life of Christ!

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