Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Philippians 2

One of my favorite passages of scripture and one of the most challenging pieces of scripture!  v. 3-4 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others."  How often do we consider the needs of others above ourselves?  In a society that has a me-first attitude, it often appears that this selfless attitude gets taken advantage of or comes in last place.  But that statement itself states where our focus is; on us!  How quickly we forget our purpose here on earth.  It is not about me!!  It's about God above, about having an attitude that brings Him glory and that glorifies His name!  So often we get wrapped up in pursuing OUR desires and want WE think something should look like and we fail to consider what GOD'S desire is and what HE wants to do with us.  Ultimately, if we are following Him and we align our desires with His, He will reward us with our desires and passions!  They might not look the way we expect them, but they will be fulfilled!  God wants to make us happy, but we first must make sure that our desires and passions are pure and are God-focused, because God is not going to satisfy those desires that lead to death, but only those that will bring us into closer communion with Him, which in the end leads to endless JOY!!  May we take the focus off of what we want, and begin to look to the needs of others!  If we have the selfless attitude of Christ and look to the needs of others, God will bring about the desires in our life!  May we trust Him more and more each day!

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